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Nieuws archief

We are paving the way to a greener future with R454C refrigerant

As part of our commitment to sustainability and compliance, we offer R454C as a refrigerant for our air handling units with integrated cooling...
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Newly Certified: RDM and RDTM Dampers Certified for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (Ex / ATEX design)

Starting today, our RDM and RDTM Regulation Dampers are certified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (Ex). This certification ensures...
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MANDÍK, a.s. Begins Construction of New Production Hall to Expand Manufacturing Capacity

MANDÍK, a.s. is pleased to announce that we have decided to expand our production capacity and have started the construction of a new production hall...
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Brandluiken en "CLT" - houten wandpanelen? MANDÍK heeft de oplossing!

Wij van MANDÍK zijn voortdurend op zoek naar manieren om onze producten te vernieuwen...
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