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Monzun HP is new Industrial air-to-air heat pump for ecological and highly efficient heating and cooling


MONZUN-HP includes an outdoor unit with a compressor and an indoor unit with a coolant/air exchanger, both units are connected by a coolant pipes.
The robust and simple structure made of powder coated (painted) sheet metal is designed to withstand the demanding conditions of industrial premises. Power outputs of 20/33 kW are chosen so that, in combination with several units, they provide enough heating/ cooling energy for a modern industrial building, so that they also provide a good option for individual heating/ cooling of workplaces.
Continuous power regulation ensures a comfortable temperature without cycling the unit.
The indisputable advantage of the MONZUN-HP heat pump is also the possibility of reversing operation and using the unit for cooling. For this mode, the indoor unit is equipped with a condensate drain and a drip catcher, so it does not have to limit the output to avoid condensation and thus offers the same nominal output for both heating and cooling.
To control the unit, a basic “analogue” controller from the VULCAN series is offered as standard, which is more than just an ordinary thermostat. The controller can control heating and cooling in an adjustable weekly program, not only in on/off mode, but also supports continuous power regulation, for up to six units in one zone.
At the same time, it allows to MONZUN-HP to be controlled individually and in manual mode.
For larger applications, the ZEUS multi-zone controller will come in handy, which communicates with the units via MODBUS, which brings advantages in saving cabling, but mainly in the variability of zones and time programs that can be arranged with one controller.
It is possible to connect up to 31 MONZUN-HP units to one controller and it is possible to combine various products from the product portfolio of the company MANDÍK too.

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